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Advanced Linux Commands For Beginners

by Sandhiya Annamalai

In this article we are going to learn some more advanced commands in linux OS. Please check Basic Linux Commands for newbies. & Basic Commands in Linux Operating System if you’re interested in learning a few basic commands.

We will look at the following commands in this article:

  • grep
  • sort
  • wc
  • pipe
  • awk
  • find
  • ps
  • nohup
  • head
  • tail
  • jobs
  • kill


  • grep is abbreviated as Global Regular Expression Print.
  • The grep filter searches a file for a particular pattern of characters or word and displays all lines that match the pattern.
  • It is generally used to search files or STDOUT (output of a command).
  • It can also be used to search a pattern in multiple files at once.

           Syntax: grep <search word> <filename>

$ grep "rose" rose.txt

Variations in grep command:

a) grep -c

The flag -c is used to display the number of times(count) the searched word is present.

 Syntax: grep –c <search word> <filename>

$ grep -c "rose" rose.txt
$ grep -c "Rose" rose.txt

b) grep -v

The flag -v ignores the lines that match with the searched word and prints the rest of the lines.

Syntax: grep –v <search word> <filename>

$ grep -v Rose rose.txt

c) grep -n

This variation is used to display the line number and the line where the search word is present in the file.

Syntax: grep –n <search word> <filename>

$ grep -n rose rose.txt

d) grep -l

This variation is used to list all the files containing the searched word.

Syntax: grep –l <search word> <*.txt>

$ grep -l "rose" *.txt

e) grep -o

This command is used to print the matched words in separate lines.

Syntax: grep –o <search word> <filename>

$ grep -o flowers flowers.txt

f) grep -i

This command is used to print the lines that match with the searched word. The search is not case-sensitive.

Syntax: grep –i <search word> <filename>

$ grep -i FLOWERS flowers.txt


  • Sort command is used to order the records.
  • We can arrange the data alphabetically or numerically in ascending or descending order.

Syntax: sort <filename> (to print data in ascending order).

$ sort <name.txt>

Syntax: sort -r <filename> (to print data in reverse or descending order).

$ sort -r <name.txt>


  • wc stands for word count.
  • As the name implies this command is mainly used to count the number of lines, number of words, number of bytes and characters in the file.

Syntax: wc <file name>

$ wc rose.txt

Variations in wc command:

  • wc –l  prints the number of lines in a file.
  • wc –w prints the number of words in a file.
  • wc –c prints the total number of bytes in a file.
  • wc –m prints the number of characters in a file.
  • wc –L prints only the length of the longest line in a file.


  • This command is used to combine two or more commands.
  • The standard output of one command acts as standard input to the next command.
  • The symbol (|) denotes pipe command.

Syntax : cat <filename> | grep <search word> <filename>

$ cat rose.txt | grep rose rose.txt


  • awk command stands for the first letters of three authors’ names  (aho,weinberger,kernighan).
  • This command is widely used for text processing.
  • awk command searching for a specific word or pattern in a certain line or a certain column in a file you provide.

Syntax: awk ‘{action}’ <file name> (condition to be given in curly braces and its enclosed with single quotes)

For example if you want to print the 1st column of the file. Use awk ‘{print $1}’.

$0 – represents the entire column of the file.

 $1 – represents the first column of the file.

 $2 – represents the second column of the file.



  $NF – represents the last column of the file.

$ awk '{print $1}' rose.txt 

To print more than one column use awk command as awk ‘{print $1,$3}’ here $1 is the first column and $3 is the third column.

$ awk '{print $1,$3}' rose.txt 

Here (,) or (“ ”) is used to provide space between two columns and output is clearly readable.


  • find command is the most important and frequently used command in linux os.
  • It is used to search and locate the list of files and directories based on conditions you specify for files that match the arguments.

Syntax: find [options] [path…] [expression]

$ find /home -name  sample.txt
  • To find the files names using the extension of the file.
$ find /home -name  "*.txt"
  • To find the files using type variation:
    • The -type f variation is used to find and list the file’s name only.
    • The -type d variation is used to find and list the directories name only.
$ find /home -type f
$ find /home -type d
  • To find and list the empty files and directories.
$ find /home -empty


  • ps stands for process status.
  • This command is used to display or to view information related to the process running in the system.
$ ps
  1. PID – Every process is assigned a PID (Process IDentifier) which is a unique identifier associated with the running process.
  2. TTD-Controlling terminal associated with the process.
  3. TIME-Total time of CPU Usage,shows in minutes and seconds.
  4. CMD-The command that is executed by the process.

ps -ef

The -e option instructs ps to display all processes. The -f stands for full-format listing, which provides detailed information about the running processes.

$ ps -ef

Before we see about nohup command we should know about how to create a shell script(sh) file and how to execute the sh file.

  • Create a new sh file using touch command.Write the script you are going to run in sh file using vi command.
  • kindly check whether the sh file is having executable permission, if it is not there, please assign execute permission using chmod command.
  • To run the script file use ./filename command and the standard output will display in the terminal and the process continues and the output will display continously.To stop the process give ctrl+c.


  • nohup, no hang up command keeps the process running even after exiting the terminal or shell.
  • It prevents the process or jobs from receiving the signal SIGHUP.
  • SIGHUP (SIGnal Hang Up) is a signal used to close and exit the terminal.
$ nohup ./multiplication.sh > multiply.log

In the above process once ctrl+c given the shell script is stopped and the saved output can be viewed in the log file using cat command.

This nohup command with (&) symbol in the end is used to run the process in the background.

Syntax: nohup (./sh file) > (file name) &

$ nohup ./multiplication.sh > multiply.log &


This command print the first 10 lines of the specified file. If more file name is provided then data from each file is preceded by its file name.

Syntax: head <file name>

$ head multiply.log


This command by default prints the last 10 lines of the specified file and exit.

Syntax: tail <file name>

$ tail multiply.log

tail -f

This command will show the last ten lines of a file. As the file gets updated, the tail command will show those lines in the output.

Syntax: tail -f <file name>

$ tail -f multiply.log


This command is used to list the processes running in the background.

$ jobs


It is a built in command used to terminate the process manually.

Syntax: kill <PID/process name>.

kill -9 command sends a kill signal to terminate a process immediately or forcefully.

$ kill -9 80154

kill -15 command sends a kill signal to terminate the process gracefully

$ kill -15 81387

Thanks for reading this article. I hope it is useful for you.

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