MobaXterm is an open source user friendly ssh client. Here we are going to see how we can connect to AWS EC2 instance using MobaXterm.
Step 1:
Download and install MobaXterm from a web browser.
Step 2:
Open the MobaXterm appliction and the home page will show as below.
Step 3:
Click on the Sessions button,in this select New session and the page will show as below.
Step 4:
Click on the SSH option and perfom the following steps.
- Give the ec2 instance ip address and user name in the remote host box and specify user name field as mentioned below.
- Example: IP address:
- Specify user: Here I am connecting to ubuntu instance so I am giving ubuntu as username.
- Click on the advanced SSH settings and select the private key field. In the private key field select the path of the .ppk file which is downloaded from AWS.
- Example: keyfile.ppk
Step 5:
Once you perform the above steps click on the OK button to connect to the ec2 instance.
Finally the connected AWS SSH terminal will show as below.
Thanks. Hope it helps.